Our own Fr. Tim Kulbicki, OFM Conv. served as our Order’s Secretary of the Executive Committee for the Revision of the Constitutions & as Secretary of the 202nd Ordinary General Chapter, while continuing to serve in his own province assigned ministries. The final drafting and approval of the Revised Constitutions at the Extraordinary General Chapter took place in 2018. For several years, Friar Tim spent time also traveling around the world, visiting the Order’s friars to provide academic conferences and friary presentations, in order to help the friars of our Order “receive” and implement the Revised Constitutions, which went into effect on February 2, 2019, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day for Consecrated Life.
Franciscan Voice has provided a 12-part podcast of the Constitutions.

Top Row: friar Connor Ouly, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province), friar Robert Moynihan, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation Province), friar Colden Fell, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation Province), friar Eric Rewa, OFM Conv. (Saint Bonaventure Province) Bottom Row: Assistant Novice Director – Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province), friar André Miller, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation rovince), Fr. Tim Kulbicki, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province), friar Marvin Paul Fernandez, OFM Conv. (The Provincial Delegation of Saint Francis of Assisi, Canada of Our Lady of the Angels Province)
Now serving as Pastor and Campus Minister of our Chapel Hill, NC pastoral and university ministry ~ Newman Catholic Student Center Parish UNC at Chapel Hill, Friar Tim still travels to present the Constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual to new friars. He recently travelled to the St. Francis of Assisi Friary – Inter-Provincial Novitiate, in Arroyo Grande, CA, so that this year’s Novitiate Class could attended Friar Tim’s class on the Constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, as part of the preparation for their Simple (Temporary/First) Professions, coming up in the Summer of 2023.
Take some time to visit the Novitiate’s Website to keep up with the Novices throughout the year.
Franciscan Voice is a great resource for all things Franciscan Friar Conventual.
Our Order’s Website is a great resource for information about our friars of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual around the world.
Our Province Vocation Office can be reached at vocations@olaprovince.org.