In recognition of his outstanding contributions to social and charitable activities for the benefit of Polish war orphans, victims of forced displacement from the Eastern Borderlands into the USSR, for pastoral work, and a sacrificial attitude in helping other people. Below is an English Translation of the decree from the President of Poland honoring Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, the late +Fr. Łucjan Królikowski, OFM Conv. with Poland’s highest state decoration, the Order of the White Eagle. (Original Article Source)

President Andrzej Duda met Father Łucjan on September 22, 2019, during a visit to New Britain, CT. (source:,544,order-orla-bialego-posmiertnie-dla-o-lucjana-krolikowskiego.html)
The Order of the White Eagle [Awarded]
posthumously to Father Łucjan Królikowski
The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda has awarded the highest state decoration:
In recognition of outstanding services in social and charitable activities for Polish war orphans, victims of forced displacement from the Eastern Borderlands into the depths of the USSR, for his pastoral work and sacrificial attitude in helping others.
A citizen of the Republic of Poland and Canada has been awarded
Father Łucjan Królikowski
A Polish Conventual Franciscan, Siberian exile,
soldier of the army of General Anders
and guardian of Polish war orphans from the Polish refugee camp in Tengeru (Tanzania)
– the children whom he took to Canada in the first days of June 1949,
protecting them from repatriation to a country controlled by the communist regime,
He died on October 11, 2019 in the Franciscan community of Chicopee in the USA.