Br. Vincent Vivian, OFM Conv. made his Profession of Simple Vows in the Chapel of St. Hyacinth Friary, in Chicopee, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, July 31, 2019. Br. Paschal Kolodziej, OFM Conv. and Fr. Jude Surowiec, OFM Conv. were the canonical witnesses, as our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. received his vows, in the presence of local friars and visiting St. Bonaventure Province friar, Fr. Bob Cook, OFM Conv. The celebration continued after Mass, with the friars sharing a delicious meal at a local restaurant.

Canonical Witnesses: Br. Paschal Kolodziej, OFM Conv. (seen signing the Book of Profession) and Fr. Jude Surowiec, OFM Conv. (far right)
Having been approved for re-admission to the Order by then Minister General, the Most Reverend Fr. Marco Tasca, OFM Conv. and his General Definitory. Br. Vincent was re-invested in the habit of the Order as a member of Our Lady of the Angels Province, by Fr. James, during Mass in the Provincialate chapel, on September 3, 2018. At that time, he began the canonically required period of probation – living with and ministering as a healthcare assistant with our friars of St. Catharine of Siena Friary in Seaside Park, NJ. For health reasons, he moved with our Chicopee friars earlier this year.
Keep Br. Vincent and all of our friars in joyful prayer.