Saint Kateri Weekend at the National Shrine of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
07-14-2016 (Thursday)
8:30 a.m. Saint Kateri Feast Day Mass (USA) Celebration – Solemn Blessing with Relic
07-16-2016 (Saturday)
4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass – Solemn Blessing with Relic
Native American (Akwesasne & Kahnawake) Traditional Purification Rite
7:00 p.m. Prayer and Healing Circle with Terry Steele
07-17-2016 (Sunday)
10:30 p.m. Mass – Solemn Blessing with Relic
Native American (Akwesasne & Kahnawake) Traditional Purification Rite
Follow Up Message from:
Mr Bill Jacobs, Shrine Director
National Shrine of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
“A Sacred Place of Peace and Healing”
3636 State Hwy 5, PO Box 627
Fonda, NY 12068-0627 USA
National Shrine Celebrates Saint Kateri Feast Day Weekend
Fonda, NY, July 18, 2016 – The National Shrine of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in Fonda, NY held a Saint Kateri feast day celebration on July 14, 16, and 17. More than 400 people attended Masses on Saturday and Sunday to honor St. Kateri Tekakwitha and to celebrate the Gospel of Jesus. Participants included our Native American and First Nations friends, including a choir comprised of members of the Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne and renowned Algonquin member Terry Steele
Masses were celebrated by Friar Mark Steed, Shrine Chaplain, and Father Edmund, a missionary from Peru. Cub Scout Pack 233 from the Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish in Irondequoit, NY participated in the procession with a first-class relic of St. Kateri. The scouts camped at the shrine on Friday and Saturday nights.
Participants in celebrating Masses contributed $2,300 toward the operation and preservation of the Shrine. A buffet on Saturday night for Native American and First Nations friends was provided by the Winner’s Circle in Fonda. Flowers were provided by Damianos Flowers in Amsterdam.
[Photos by Bill Jacobs]

Mass celebrated by Friar Mark Steed, OFM Conv. – Shrine Chaplain & Father Edmund, Missionary – Peru.