Our Lady of the Angels Province Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. celebrated the Holy Triduum and Paschal Feast with the Roman Catholic student community at Syracuse University. In all 1000 students (with some visiting family members) celebrated at two Easter Sunday Masses. Our Lady of the Angels Province Friar, Br. Ed Falsey, OFM Conv., who serves as the Guardian of the St. Francis Friary in Syracuse (NY), joined Maggie Byrne – Pastoral Assistant, and Ashley – Student Lector, to complete the ministry team with Fr. James.

“The Christ on the Campus” is the crucifix designed and painted by students that hangs in the St. Thomas More Campus Ministry – John G. Albrandi Catholic Center – Syracuse University Chapel. The shape and corpus are from the San Damiano Cross that St. Francis of Assisi prayed before as he sought direction for his life and career. The cross depicts contemporary scenes from campus life and is meant to remind students that Christ is present in all of life’s activities. The flags that make up the border of the cross point to the salvation Christ won for all people of all nations, by His glorious Passion and Resurrection.